Guidelines for 3D Model Creation and Uploading

Model Format:

  • Supported formats: GLB, GLTF, FBX, OBJ

  • Strongly recommend uploading in GLB format.

  • Supported upload format: ZIP

  • Strongly recommend that the GLB, GLTF, FBX, OBJ files be within 10MB, with 5MB being ideal.

Model Export and Conversion:

  • It is recommended to export FBX from modeling software (such as 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D) and then convert it to GLB.

  • Alternatively, you can export GLB directly from the modeling software.

  • Unity can also be used to export GLB directly.

Model Creation:

  • Number of meshes per model ≤ 10; total for the entire scene ≤ 50. It is recommended to have ≤ 5 meshes per model and ≤ 10 for the entire scene.

  • Number of triangles per model ≤ 50,000; total for the entire scene ≤ 200,000. It is recommended to have ≤ 30,000 triangles per model and ≤ 60,000 for the entire scene.

  • Model, model nodes, and mesh names should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens. Chinese characters, spaces, and special characters are not supported.

  • Ensure that all objects in the model have unique names.

  • Use quads for modeling; triangles can be used in special cases.

  • Polygon modeling is required.

  • The model’s scale parameter must not be zero or negative.

  • Place the model's pivot point at the geometric center or bottom center of the model, and then align it with the origin point.

  • No isolated vertices.

  • No overlapping vertices.

  • No duplicate faces or coplanar faces.

  • Set correct normals.

  • Remove all unused objects from the model (such as empty objects, hidden objects, and auxiliary objects).

  • Reset model transformations: Scale should be 1; Rotation should be 0; Position should be 0.

  • Avoid poles in the model whenever possible.

  • Ensure a reasonable topology, with neat and even edge loops.

  • To achieve better rendering results with assets containing transparent components, use separate meshes and materials for transparent and opaque parts.

  • Reset any transformation data, construction history, and modifier stacks to avoid export discrepancies.

  • It is recommended to keep the model’s size consistent with real-world objects.

UV Layout:

  • No noticeable texture stretching on the model.

  • UV seams should be hidden in less visible areas of the model.

  • No UV overlapping.

  • UV maps should be as flat as possible, making full use of the texture space.

  • Multiple UV sets are not currently supported.

  • Tiled textures are not currently supported.

Materials and Textures:

  • Number of materials per model ≤ 10; total for the entire scene ≤ 40. It is recommended to have ≤ 5 materials per model and ≤ 10 for the entire scene.

  • Number of textures per model ≤ 10; total for the entire scene ≤ 40. It is recommended to have ≤ 5 textures per model and ≤ 10 for the entire scene.

  • Material and texture names should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens. Chinese characters, spaces, and special characters are not supported.

  • Ensure that material and texture names are unique.

  • Supported texture formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG.

  • Maximum texture size: 2048x2048. It is recommended that texture sizes be powers of two (e.g., 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048).

  • It is recommended to use image compression software to reduce texture sizes.

  • PBR materials are supported (including Metallic-Roughness and Specular-Glossiness workflows).

  • Unlit materials are supported.


  • Number of animations per model ≤ 10; total for the entire scene ≤ 40. It is recommended to have ≤ 5 animations per model and ≤ 10 for the entire scene.

  • Number of bones per model ≤ 80; total for the entire scene ≤ 160. It is recommended to have ≤ 60 bones per model and ≤ 120 for the entire scene.

  • Number of blend shapes per model ≤ 50; total for the entire scene ≤ 100. It is recommended to have ≤ 30 blend shapes per model and ≤ 60 for the entire scene.

  • Bone, blend shape, and animation names should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens. Chinese characters, spaces, and special characters are not supported.

  • Ensure that animation, blend shape, and bone names are unique.

  • Transform animations, skeletal animations, and blend shape animations are supported; vertex animations are not currently supported.

  • Blender 3.0+ has issues with exporting blend shape animations; it is recommended to use Blender 2.9.

  • The maximum number of bones influencing a vertex should be ≤ 4 (each vertex can be influenced by up to 4 bones when skinned).

  • The recommended animation frame rate is 30 FPS.

  • When creating animations, do not scale the model's mesh or bones to zero or negative values.

  • Do not name any bone "root".

  • The root bone should not carry animation. If there is an animation on the root bone, an empty parent bone should be added.

Lighting and Environment:

  • Supports directional light and ambient light.

  • Supports environment maps.

If your file upload fails, please check the guidelines below.

gITF and glb File Upload Guidelines:

1. Quantization is not supported.

Solution: Do not apply quantization compression when exporting glb or glTF files.

2. Meshopt compression is not supported.

Solution: Do not use meshopt compression when exporting glb or glTF files.

3. Draco compression is not supported.

Solution: Do not use Draco compression when exporting glb or glTF files.

4. Your file contains extensions that are not supported by Kivisense VTO.

a. Currently, we support the following extensions:KHR_lights_punctual

b. KHR_materials_unlit

c. KHR_texture_transform

d. KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness

5. There is an error with your file.

Cause: This may be due to a malfunction in the software you used to export the glTF or glb file, resulting in an incorrect file.

Last updated